Having thoroughly proven man’s condemnation under God’s law and God’s provision of salvation for mankind Paul, in chapters 9, 10 and 11 will deal with the Jew and their present condition and their future in God’s plan. 10:1-4 For whom is Paul praying for? The Jews; his kin because they are still lost. And to whom is he praying to? God. And what is the origin of Paul’s prayer? His heart and its desire. And what is the goal of his heart’s prayer? “that they may be saved.” Can we say the same as Paul? That we pray from the heart? Or is prayer a chore to us? I often find it easy to pray for myself; only concerning my blessings. But even the Lord taught us otherwise; for, “hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come” comes before “give us our daily bread.” So how do we pray from the heart for others? ...
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