Watch Fuel for the Fire Psalm 13:5-6 Good morning. And thank you all for coming. Yesterday we met with our "preaching circles" for the first time. And one of the questions that were asked by my leader was "why are you here?". I myself am here for several reasons, a few being that I want to learn, to sharpen my craft, to network. But truth be told: I am tired. And I need to be refilled. Maybe it's senioritis, maybe I'm calloused, dishearted bc of the lack of sown seed being reaped on my mission field- I mean my college. As long as I'm being honest, I'll be preaching to the mirror just as much as I'll be preaching to y'all this morning. And I sincerely pray it's an encouragement to all of us. So let's dive into the text (READ Psalm 13) Historians don't actually know when or why David wrote this psalm, all attempts to date it are but guesses. But whenever he wrote it, the reason why he wrote it, appe...
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