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Showing posts from April, 2023

LAB: 2 Thessalonians 3 Notes

  1. Offense and Defense in Prayer for the Word/ 2 Thess. 3:1-5/Pt 1. Paul prayed for them; not he asks to be prayed for-"us".  2 requests; (offense) "that word of Lord run...", (defense) "delivered from wicked..." Paul wants the word to outrun/win against all opposition. Acts 13:47-48. Prayer + preaching. Because both are governed by God; both are commanded in word.  "For faith is not of all." IE not all are going to be given faith by God's grace.      2. God Is Decisive in Obedience-So Why Pray?/ Pt 2. "God is faithful" followed by an explanation.  Verse 4; therefore, the church will obey what God commands. Verse 5; Paul prays that God gives them all they need to be obedient.  Obedience is the goal of the Christian life; therefore Paul prays that we be overwhelmed by His love.  God uses us as a means to sanctify others.      3. What Is the Faithfulness of God?/Pt 3. "establish" 2:17, 3:3. Evil men attack you; God guards ...

LAB: 1 Thessalonians 1-2 Notes

 The Setting of 1 Thessalonians/ 1 Thessalonians 1:1/ Pt 1. 3 people, all present in the founding of the Church. All preached the gospel to them. But Paul bears maximum responsibility for them.  Paul most likely wrote this letter in Athens (1 Thess. 3:1-6) in the early '50s. Paul taught truth from/by/for Christ.  What Does It Mean To Be In God?/ Pt 2. "church" called out one, assembly of believers, can also be universal.  "God" being with 2 other beings within His being.  "Lord" is a divine word in reference to Christ.  "In" in eternal favor, protection, in His company/family forever. 

LAB: 2 Thessalonians' 1-2 Notes

       1. Did 3 People Write This Letter? 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4/Pt 1 All 3 founded the church in Thess. "We" v. 20. "Us" v.7. "I" v.2 Paul wrote 2 Thess 3:17-18. He was a unique apostle 1 Cor. 15:4-9. He is the foundation of the church Eph. 2:19-20. "Silas" Acts 15:40="Siluus" 2 Thess. "Timothy" Acts 16:1-3. The 3 founded the church but Paul wrote the letter.      2. A Church Founded In Fire./ Pt 2 Thess origin Acts 17:1-5. Paul went to Thess because of the synagogue there.  Jews continued attacking them in Berea Acts 17:10-15. Acts 18:1-5, 11. Probably when first and second Thess was written. Paul loved and followed up with the churches he founded.     3. The Explosive Power of Translating "Chruch"/Pt 3 Church-Assembly. Kuriakos: Belonging to the Lord. Church: Lord's people/house.  "Called out" the people there of. Church: Local, Regional, Universal. In union with Christ as Lord.     4. Why God as Fath...