1. Offense and Defense in Prayer for the Word/ 2 Thess. 3:1-5/Pt 1. Paul prayed for them; not he asks to be prayed for-"us". 2 requests; (offense) "that word of Lord run...", (defense) "delivered from wicked..." Paul wants the word to outrun/win against all opposition. Acts 13:47-48. Prayer + preaching. Because both are governed by God; both are commanded in word. "For faith is not of all." IE not all are going to be given faith by God's grace. 2. God Is Decisive in Obedience-So Why Pray?/ Pt 2. "God is faithful" followed by an explanation. Verse 4; therefore, the church will obey what God commands. Verse 5; Paul prays that God gives them all they need to be obedient. Obedience is the goal of the Christian life; therefore Paul prays that we be overwhelmed by His love. God uses us as a means to sanctify others. 3. What Is the Faithfulness of God?/Pt 3. "establish" 2:17, 3:3. Evil men attack you; God guards ...
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