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LAB: 2 Thessalonians 3 Notes

  1. Offense and Defense in Prayer for the Word/ 2 Thess. 3:1-5/Pt 1.

  • Paul prayed for them; not he asks to be prayed for-"us". 
  • 2 requests; (offense) "that word of Lord run...", (defense) "delivered from wicked..."
  • Paul wants the word to outrun/win against all opposition. Acts 13:47-48.
  • Prayer + preaching. Because both are governed by God; both are commanded in word. 
  • "For faith is not of all." IE not all are going to be given faith by God's grace. 
    2. God Is Decisive in Obedience-So Why Pray?/ Pt 2.
  • "God is faithful" followed by an explanation. 
  • Verse 4; therefore, the church will obey what God commands.
  • Verse 5; Paul prays that God gives them all they need to be obedient. 
  • Obedience is the goal of the Christian life; therefore Paul prays that we be overwhelmed by His love. 
  • God uses us as a means to sanctify others. 
    3. What Is the Faithfulness of God?/Pt 3.
  • "establish" 2:17, 3:3.
  • Evil men attack you; God guards against the evil one.
  • "faithful" trustful/reliable Deut. 7:9, faithful before/beyond covenant because He is faithful to Himself 2 Timothy 2:13. God's faithfulness is based on Himself/His own Godhood; not us. 
  • Faithful to you for Himself 1 Cor. 1:8-9, 1 Thess. 5:23-24. 
    4. An Obedient Church Deals with Disobedience/ Pt 4.
  • "confidence" He gives confidence but is also the ground/reason for confidence. 
  • "We were with you" 2 Thess. 3:10. Cc; 1 Thess 4:11-12.
  • Some in Thess did not obey command so how did Paul have confidence?
  • Church discipline 2 Thess. 3:6. Paul was confident in the church; but not every single person within the church. 
    5. Prayer as an Answer to Prayer/ Pt 5.
  • 3:5 encouragement and prayer mixed. 
  • 2:17 prayer. 3:3 promise. 3:4 confidence/faith. 
  • Faith in the promise for which he prayed for.
  • The key to 2:17 prayer is found in 3:5. Comforted hearts established in good works founded upon the love of God and steadfastness of Christ. 
  • God is sovereign over our hearts. 
  • Comforted hearts go to the love of God for it. Strong/established in good works look to Christ's good work. 
    6. Sometimes Ostracism Brings Reconciliation/ 2 Thess. 3:6-10/ Pt 1.
  • 3:6 very tough love to handle disobedience in brothers; separation for a time for sanctification. 
  • Work well for your own living 2 Thess 3:11-12. 
  • We are to keep away from the idle but admonish them as a brother, not an enemy 1 Thess 5:14.
  • Ostracise them to shame them to bring them to repentance to God 2 Thess. 3:14-15. Shame-Repentance-Sanctification. 
    7. Why Did Paul Refuse Gifts of Food?/ Pt 2.
  • Paul was an explain to us/Thess. of work/not a burden to anyone (love). 
  • The Apostles preached what they taught and lived how they taught. 
  • Paul was never an obstacle to the Gospel. 
    8. Does 'No Work, No Food' Mean No Mercy?/ Pt 3.
  • "willing" not 'able' to work. If some are unable then mercy.
  • Paul deals with those unwilling as brothers; not enemies with tough love towards godliness. 
  • Ostracise/shame or hunger to bring them to repentance.
  • Matt. 5:11-12; "rejoice" our reward (Christ Himself) is not based on how we are treated here and now. Bad things happen to us, but great is Christ in Heaven who is with you. Thus we return good for evil. 
  • Tough love relationships: parents, government, employer, education/teachers, Church. Love; but don't always turn the other cheek. Always love the person best in the proper context. 
  • Satisfy your heart in Christ and want your brother's good. 

    10. As New Creations, Eat What You Earn/ 2  Thess. 3:11-16/ Pt 1.
  • "quietness" IE not medaling like a busybody.
  • "Command" a duty. "Encourage" a help. Paul rarely commands alone but often encourages/works with his brother. 
  • "eat their own bread" enjoy the fruit of their own labor. 
  • Gen. 2:15 "work and keep it" We were made to bring the world into our order/purposes. It was/is a gift from God. 
  • Eph 2:10, Titus 2:14; We have been recreated for good works; and to love good works. 
  • Eph 4:28; Our works not only serve our needs but also the needs of others.
    11.  Five Implications of 'Eat Your Own Bread'/Pt 2.
  • 1) We were created for work Genesis 2:15. 
  • 2) We were recreated for work Eph. 2:10. Rest in the soul; work in the hands' Gal. 6:9-10. 
  • 3) Work to show God's power 2 Thess 1:11. We do work in faith/in reliance on God. 
  • 4) We work to witness to outsiders 1 Thess 4:11-12; 1 Peter 2:15.
  • 5) In work we show that there is human ownership/stewardship under God's will/sovereignty.
    12.  How Long Are We Patient with the Idle?/ Pt 3.
  • Warn your brother when you see him sin (Love). And ostracise him as need be. 
  • But how long to deal with the brother in sin? 1 Thess. 5:14. Cc: 1 Cor. 5:9-11.
  • Ostracise the idler to godly sorrow ("shame")/repentance. If no repentance then church disciple. 
  • Paul wants us to be patient for the restoration of our brothers rather than throw them out of the church. 

    13. Peaceful Relations Are Precious, Not Ultimate/ 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18/ Pt 1.
  • "Lord of peace" is unique; the only place in NT that phrase occurs.
  • He is in Himself peaceful, and He loves to make peace- for He died for it.
  • Paul focuses on peace here because of 2 Thess. 3:10; he wants the church to be unified/at peace. 
  • Paul prayed that the Lord and His peace be with the church.
  • This letter is authentic Paul's. 
  • Grace flows to us in this letter; "Grace to you".
    14. How Would You Summarize 2 Thessalonians?/ Pt 2. 
  • We exult you in your steadfast faith in persecution 1:4.
  • These afflictions are God's design to fit you for His kingdom 1:5.
  • God will give your relief and them recompense when He comes to be glorified 1:6-10.
  • The great aim is that by these afflictions Jesus be glorified in you at His coming 1:6-10.
  • But that day won't come before the man of lawlessness and the great deception 2:1-12.
  • Take heart, you who are chosen for sanctification and to obtain the glory of Christ 2:14.
  • So stand firm in good works 2:17.
  • Seek to win back the idlers through patient ostracism 3:6-15.
  • May the Lord of peace give you peace 3:16-18.
  • Afflictions - faith in God/His promises - that bears fruit/sanctification - which makes them fit for Heaven - Christ returns and is glorified in us and us in Him.   


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