The Messy Way To Know God's Will/ 1 Thess. 3:1-5/ Pt 1. God plans our troubles (3:3b-4). This is the support for 1-3a, 5. Athens, alone - hardship in idolatry in the city. "God's coworker" God ordains secondary means. "Sent" not just prayer; exhort them; go to them. "Bear it no longer" thought, assess, felt (pressured), action. Live in the messiness of God's will with heartful rest. How to Become a Coworker of God/ Pt 2. God's coworker in the Gospel of Christ. "established" not "shaken" in the exhortation. God gave His Son therefore He will give us all things. Gospel - Good works (Romans 8:32-37). Preach the Gospel and its implications for your life. Believe His word/Him even in affliction and be stronger for it. God Destined Your Affliction - Don't Be Shaken/ Pt 3. "Affliction" 1:6, 2:14, 3:3. Affliction is evidence of God's design to make us worthy of His kingdom. All Christians are destined...
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