The Messy Way To Know God's Will/ 1 Thess. 3:1-5/ Pt 1.
- God plans our troubles (3:3b-4). This is the support for 1-3a, 5.
- Athens, alone - hardship in idolatry in the city.
- "God's coworker" God ordains secondary means.
- "Sent" not just prayer; exhort them; go to them.
- "Bear it no longer" thought, assess, felt (pressured), action.
- Live in the messiness of God's will with heartful rest.
How to Become a Coworker of God/ Pt 2.
- God's coworker in the Gospel of Christ.
- "established" not "shaken" in the exhortation.
- God gave His Son therefore He will give us all things. Gospel - Good works (Romans 8:32-37).
- Preach the Gospel and its implications for your life.
- Believe His word/Him even in affliction and be stronger for it.
God Destined Your Affliction - Don't Be Shaken/ Pt 3.
- "Affliction" 1:6, 2:14, 3:3.
- Affliction is evidence of God's design to make us worthy of His kingdom.
- All Christians are destined for suffering; not as condemnation but as santification.
- Affliction is good for you for it is His love Heb. 12:6-11.
Does God or Satan Send Affliction/ Pt 4.
- 2 Thess. 3:1-3. How does God use evil men to send affliction?
- Acts 4:27-28 His hand does not sin but uses secondary means to bring about His plans.
- God governs all men, good and bad, for our good.
Can the Gospel Come in Vain to the Elect?/ Pt 5.
- People can "believe" for a time.
- Paul was sure Thess. was elect. We are secure in Him.
- 1 John 2:19; perseverance. Paul wonders if they are born of God.
- Thess has faith and love, 3:6, according to Timothy. Their perseverance was proven to Paul.
- We need means, endurance, and encouragement, to meet God's ends-eternal salvation 2 Tim. 2:10.
We Live if You Stand In Faith/ 1 Thess. 3:6-10/ Pt 1.
- Faith and love, 3:7. It remembers and longs for its object.
- Love is an outgrowth of faith.
- "standing" in faith in God 1 Cor. 16:13.
- Their faith is life to Paul.
- Paul's highest valve is being realized in Thess.
Inexpressive Joy Is the Essence of Paul's life/ Pt 2.
- No answer in v. 10 because of Paul's joy in them is inexpressible.
- Their standing in God is life in Paul.
- Does your faith, work in God match Paul's?
Prayer is Not One and Done/ Pt 3.
- "N and D" not answered right away.
- Wait for an answer in prayer. Today is today; God will do the work in season.
- Keep praying, and don't lose heart.
- "Lacking" more to do in faith. Increase in love, faith, hope, and knowledge.
How Do We Break Thru Satan's Obstacles?/ 1 Thess. 3:11-13/ Pt 1.
- 3:11, benediction/bi-directional.
- Paul knows how to get to them but the obstacles of Satan are what he prays against.
- The fatherhood of God and the lordship of Christ break Satan's obstacles.
We Act God's Miracle of Love/ Pt 2.
- Becoming dear to one another and doing good to each other.
- Love them with the love of Christ.
- Our love comes from God's love to us.
- You do, God works Phil. 2:12-13.
Love Establishes Us in Holiness/ Pt 3.
- Love, established and increases, establish us in holiness.
- Holiness: found in God, His inner glory shown to us.
- Our holiness is a harmony in our thoughts, desires, and actions with God's holiness.
- Our holiness is motivated by the love of God.
How Can We Be Found Blameless at the End?/ Pt 4.
- Holiness - love - established at Christ's coming.
- He died for us/our sin. He is our substitute.
- Imputed righteousness in Christ is our hope.
- Here Paul speaks of personal righteousness; loving His people.
- Blameless: keep of short accounts, repent/forgive quickly.
- Imperfect blamelessness thru perfect blamelessness in Christ.
- We were elected for this Eph. 1:4-6.
Made Holy to Meet the Holy Ones/ Pt 5.
- God saved us to make us all holy in Him.
- "Holy ones" Angels or saints? Yes.
- Pray that your love will increase for believers, and unbelievers because you are heaven-bound.
Can Christians Please God by Our Behavior?/ 1 Thess. 4:1-2/ Pt 1.
- Justified in God thru Christ and sanctified in God thru Christ in our holiness and good works.
- God is pleased by faith, trusting Him (Heb. 11:6). Therefore, do what God delights in.
- Ask God and ask Church. Primary and secondary causes. Use them both.
- We are rooted in God therefore we are in union with each other.
- We ask in faith in obedience to God.
- Encourage and challenge each other in the faith.
- Holiness: pleasing God in accord with His will.
- "will" the commanded will of God.
- Sanctification in our sexuality; know God.
- "vessel" wife, possibly our body 1 Peter 3:7.
- "" coveting brother's wife 1 Cor. 7:2.
5 Reasons for Marital Faithfulness/ Pt 2.
- Take your own wife because you honor God and she is worthy of that honor as your sister 1 Peter 3:7.
- Take your own wife to not act in dishonor; but holy and honorable Romans 1:28-29.
- Take your own wife to not wrong your brother' love him in loving your own wife.
- Take your own wife because the Lord is an avenger in these things.
Should Sexual Purity Be Motivated by God's Vengeance?/ Pt 3.
- "I told you" Col. 3:5-6, Eph. 5:5-6, Heb. 13:4.
- "avenger" 2 Thess. 1:7-8.
- Give way to sexual desire and therefore live as if you don't know God the avenger and therefore be under His wrath.
- Christ delivers us from this wrath.
- Yes, to turn hypocrisy into holiness.
The Sovereign Call to Sexual Purity/ Pt 4.
- "Called" sovereign will, not merely the commanded will of God. He called; He'll sanctify.
- Sovereignty called us to santification in our sexuality.
- Know God, be who you are in your sexuality, and therefore honor God in honoring your wife.
Sexual Immorality is Against God and Man/ Pt 5.
- "Against this" against God, His will, Church. Because it is God's will to be pure.
- "HS to you" He gave Himself to you, you, therefore, give yourself to Him.
- He in you, you in Him; not others.
- Holy God in you, you increase in holiness. His presence is the guarantee of our sanctification.
- "Don't grieve the HS" Eph 4:30. Be for God because He is for you.
- Confess to God and be kept in Him and out of rebellion.
- Encouragement is needed for the Elect.
- The Thess. Church is doing well, and Paul is encouraging them all the more.
- God uses secondary means to sanctify you.
Should Christians Be Quiet Towards Outsiders?/ Pt 2.
- Ambition: to aspire. Don't drift in life.
- Be proper. Not idle. Work well.
- "Outsiders" Col. 4:5-6.
- "Quietly" not being a busy body; mind yourself. "Sound no trumpet" Matt. 6:2-4.
What to Say to the Grieving/ 1 Thess. 4:13-18/ Pt 1.
- "those who are asleep" death, saints. Those with Christ right now.
- "grieve" we grieve but we also hope.
- "hope" heaven, life, joy, forever.
When Will the Dead Be Raised?/ Pt 2.
- "with Him..." Jesus died and rose thus He will bring them from the graves.
- Dead raised first at the second coming.
- God will raise us on the last day.
Will There Be a Rapture?/ Pt 3.
- Christ ascended and will return in the clouds.
- He will raise us and we will all return with Him.
- Encouragement/hope: we will all be with the Lord.
- Judgment purifies us and we escape the final wrath.
- Matt. 25:1-10 go out to meet Him and return with Him.
How Is the Day of the Lord Like a Theif?/ Pt 4.
- "times and seasons" Acts 1:6-8. Don't try to know when but work till then.
- Wrath is coming, suddenly. Some don't care ("peace").
- Birth: Pain, sudden. But life; like the return.
- "Theif" Matt. 24:36-46.
- "Ready" Spiritually, cormo deo.
The Sons of Light Will Survive the End/ 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 / Pt 1.
- "Darkness" Spiritual. We are spiritual therefore it will not come to us like a thief.
- "Children" John 8:39-44. Like the Father; in step with Him.
- 2 Cor. 4:4-6 How we became children of light.
- "Sons of light" John 12:35-36. We will be blessed at His coming.
Prepare Your Heart for Cancer/ Pt 2.
- Be ready for bad news with the good news.
- Be ready to help others with good news.
- My life is not God's wrath.
- My life is to obtain salvation. He died for you; substitution.
- The bad news my kill you; "asleep" but you are "with Him".
- No wrath; all salvation with God in Christ.
What Is the Day of the Lord?/ Pt 3.
- Malachi 4:1-5. Wrath and redemption.
- The day has already begun.
- Zech. 14:8-9 And that day will one day be complete.
- Christ's Day 1 Cor. 1:8, Phil. 1:6, 10.
A Vision for Leading and Being Lead/ 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22/ Pt 1.
- Respect: Labors, over you who admonish you. Esteem them in love.
- This leads to peace in the Church.
- Among those over you. All of you are in Lord.
- Lead; initiative, guidance, plan/vision, speaks.
- Love your pastor because of his work for you.
Drunk People Make Bad Soldiers/ Pt 2.
- Be not asleep, drunk as son of light.
- Don't be spiritually lazy/asleep. Or out of touch with reality (drunk).
- Don't be taken off guard by 2nd coming.
Elders, Overseers, Bishops, Pastors, Deacons/ Pt 3.
- Paul established leaders in all his churches. Not priests, for we are all are 1 Peter 2:9.
- Elder-overseers/bishop, pastor. To teach, lead. Acts 20:17-28; Titus 1:5-7.
- Phil. 1:1 deacons, not leaders. 1 Tim. 3:1-8.
- Leaders: teach, lead. Deacons work for the church.
- Elders: Plural, many in the Church.
Does Christian Love Esteem Some More Than Others?/ Pt 4.
- Love: valuing God.
- Esteem the Elect, evangelism to the unregenerate.
- Love all, but love/esteem highly those that work for you.
Though Love Toward Idle People/ Pt 5.
- Encourage the idle, be patient with them.
- Earn your own living till His coming.
- Love applied 1 Thess. 4:9-12. Love works.
- Tough vs. tender love.
God Makes People the Means of Presevering Faith/ Pt 5.
- God uses means. "Means" means you, for others 1 Cor. 3:5-7.
- Work hard with tough and tender love for their salvation 1 Cor. 1:28-29.
- Salvation is a community project (the church).
Are We Drained or Filled by Serving the Weak?/ Pt 6.
- "Fainthearted" Lit: small soul.
- Ps. 119:32. Big heart, big obedience. Truth grows the heart Ps. 96:3-4.
- Great: God, savior, salvation, promises. Pour God's greatness into your heart Eph. 1:7-19.
- "Weak" Romans 15:1. Serve all kinds of weak people.
- "help the weak" Acts 20:35.
How Can People with Short Fuses Become Patient?/ Pt 7.
- "patient" 1 Cor. 13:4-7. Love suffers long.
- Patient- strengthened with the power of glorious might with joy. Col. 1:11.
- Might from Spirit Gal. 5:22. Hope in promise produces patience. Heb. 6:11-12.
- All obstacles are a re-route to something good by God.
- All detours are designed by God for your good Gen. 50:20.
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