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Who Is God According to John Piper

Who is God? Who is this Creator who spoke to mankind in a book?
And what did He mean when He said to Moses, "I am who I am."- Exodus 3:14.

This question matters because the Christian religion a serious religion that deals with reality and this question is the most important one for anyone to ask; it is imperative that we get it correct.

  1. God is who God is means that He never had a beginning. 
  2. God is who God is means that He has no end.
  3. God is who God is means that He is absolute reality. He is all that was in eternity.   
  4. God is who God is means that He is eternally, absolutely independent.
  5. God is who God is means that all that is not God is dependent (or secondary) to Him. 
  6. God is who God is means that all the universe, by comparison to God, is as nothing.
  7. God is who God is means that He is constant, absolute perfection.
  8. God is who God is means that He is the absolute standard of truth and beauty.
  9. God is who God is means that God does whatever He pleases and it is always right, beautiful, good and in accord with truth. He is utterly free; He is the only free being in all existence. 
  10. God is who God is means that He is the greatest, the most beautiful, the most valuable, and the most important person in all of existence. 
The Bible assumes and teaches this God everywhere. 


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