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LAB: Ephesians 1:1-10 Notes

 Who Was the Man Named Paul?/ Ephesians 1:1-2/ Pt 1. 

  • Acts 13:9; he had 2 names. 
  • Saul-Jewish name. Paul-Gentile name.
  • Paul's autobiography: Phil. 3:4-6.
  • Phariess, supernatural convert, an apostle of Christ. 
What Does It Mean To Be an Apostle?/ Pt 2.
  • Orgianl apostles in Mark 3:13-15.
  • Disciple: one who humbly loves and submits to the teaching of Christ.
  • Apostles: sent out ones who preach and teach with authority from God; one sent by Christ with His authority; one who saw the face of Christ Acts 1:21, 1 Cor. 14:37-38, 2 Peter 3:15.

What Are the Two Wills of God?/ Pt 3.
  • Will of Command or will of decree in 1:1?
  • Will of Command: commanded of you; can be broken.
  • Will of Decree: can not be successfully resisted.
  • When your will is in line with God's will it is in line with the will of command. Because you can't do ALL that God does/is doing. 
  • God sovereignty made Paul an apostle Gal. 1:15-16.
  • This matters because Paul is writing/teaching us in Ephesians by the will of God and therefore you should listen.
Different and Precious Names for Jesus/ Pt 4.
  • Christ - Messiah. John 1:41, 4:25. He is the long-awaited, scripture-fulfilling savior/king/Lord.
  • Jesus- savior in the flesh. 
  • Ephesians never uses "Lord Jesus"
  • Christ without "Lord" only in 1:5. Everywhere else it's "Christ Lord".
  • Christ 25 times without "Jesus" or "Lord".
  • Based on Ephesians it would seem that "Jesus" alone wasn't commonly used. 
  • It would seem "Christ" is Paul's favorite.
  • Therefore Paul used different names to show the preciousness, uniqueness and exclusivity of Christ. 
Are Only Special Christians Saints?/ Pt 5.
  • Paul called Christians "saints" more than anything else. 
  • He doesn't call us 'Christians".
  • Eph. 4:12 Saints are Christians; all Christians not just special Christians. 
  • Saints: set apart to God, devoted to God, consecrated to God.
  • Holy: God's transcend purity. 
  • We are becoming morally like God in our godliness.
  • We are chosen to be holy, without blemish, like God by God through the atonement of Christ. 
  • Therefore, all saints are special because they are God's saints.
What Is the Holiness of God?/ Pt 6.
  • Sainthood is rooted in God's holiness. 
  • 1:3 God chose us to be holy and blameless. 
  • In Christ, we have perfect holiness. This is being wrought out in real life. We are being made holy. 
  • God has no standard of morality that is outside Himself. 
  • God's goodness is the standard of holiness (for that is the definition of "holiness").
  • Holiness: separated from what is common. God is infinitely separated in being, in a class by Himself; infinitely above and distant from all else. He is transcendent. 
  • In His infinite separateness or transcendence, He is lacking in no perfection. He is infinitely beautiful and valuable in the harmony of all His perfections. 
  • Therefore, God has 2 dimensions of holiness we saw earlier: Separated unto God and having no imperfections (morally pure).
  • To complete the definition of God's holiness we add that it consists finally in that all His emotions, thoughts, and actions are in accord with His infinite worth and beauty. This is what we mean by saying; His Godness is that standard of His holiness. In sum, God's holiness is His infinite transcendence, His infinite worth, and His flawless feeling, thinking, and acting in accord with His worth. 
  • Therefore, we share in God's holiness when we feel, think, and act in accord with the supreme value of all that God is for us in Christ (His holiness). Our holiness is our treasuring God in Christ above all, so that all our emotions and thoughts, and deeds reflect His supreme beauty and value. 
  • This is what God chose for us (1:4) and what Christ died for (5:25-27). This is the essence of why Paul calls us "holy ones". It is true of us in Christ. And it is becoming true of us in experience. It will be completed along with bodily resurrection when Christ returns. 
What Is Grace and Peace?/ Pt 7.
  • Grace is God dealing with us better than we deserve. 
  • The Father is the source of the blessing through the means of Christ. 
  • Everything - grace, predestination, adoption - is to/for the praising of the glory of His grace. 
  • Peace also comes from God in Christ; it first makes peace with me and God and produces a fruit of peace between those in Christ. 
  • You don't just submit to Christ; you love Christ.
Studying the Bible as Worship/ Ephesians 1:3-6/ Pt 1.
  • 1:3-14 is under the shadow of "blessed"; it's an overflow of us to God and God to us. Therefore, 1:3-14 is worship. 
  • Every blessing from God to us should produce an echo/good word or praise to Him.
  • Paul praises then preaches here. 
  • We study to grow/increase in worship of God. 
Does the Lord Jesus have a God?/ Pt 2.
  • "God...of our Lord".
  • He is our God and Father as well. 
  • John 20:17, we are brothers of Christ as well. 
  • Christ is the only, unique Son of God John 1:14.
  • We have God as our God through Christ's death Eph. 2:16.
  • Paul praises God for being God and Father of Christ in 1:3 because of the unique relationship between God and Christ that makes it possible for us to also be in a relationship with Him 1:5.
Destined for Everything Heaven Can Offer/ Pt 3.
  • 2:7 it will take an eternity for the riches of grace to be poured out on us.
  • "blessed us" certain, done.
  • Christ died for us, 2:13, to bring us close to God and to bless us (one and same).
  • Romans 8:32 "all things" because God didn't spare Son; Christ is the root of all blessings. 
  • "every...blessing" Christ's death purchased every good blessing for us and not one shall be withheld. 
  • "spiritual" worked by the Spirit for our spiritual good. 
  • God has blessed us in Christ in His death, resurrection, and ascension, with every blessing that is spiritual (given by Spirit and used for service to Him) and this is as true/sure as Christ's position with God in Heaven.  
What God Did Before the World Began/ Pt 4.
  • "Chose us" Doctrine of election, selection, predestination. 
  • "as" = in accord with the previous half of the statement. 
  • 2 Tim. 1:9 "purpose and grace" no because of faith. 
  • God had the plan to show/reveal/lavish grace on us before the world began. 
  • He chooses us for faith so that everything, in the end, is to the praise of His glorious grace. 
Did God Really Choose Individuals to be Saved?/ Pt 5.
  • God chooses individuals; not just Christ.
  • Chose "us" in relation to Christ. 
  • 1 Cor. 1:26-31 calling and choosing both by God to be in Christ. 
Was Election Based on Foreknown Faith?/ Pt 6.
  • Who is the decisive factor in our salvation? God or man?
  • "chose" 1:4, and "predestined" 1:5 are the same are the foreknown in Romans 8:28-30.
  • Knowing, is usually, used of God to mean choosing. 
  • Calling is the decisive work of God to secure our faith. 
  • Calling brings about faith.
  • Calling is the power of God 1 Cor. 1:22-24.
  • The call of God brings about our faith. Therefore, election is not based on a foreknown faith; it is a gift of God Eph. 2:4-9.
  • He loved/called us and we are now alive in Him to praise His glorious grace. 
Were We Chosen as Sinful or Innocent?/ Pt 7.
  • Who is "us" in 1:4? Us= "saints" in 1:2 and those who "believed" in 1:13. Believers in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and hope of eternal life. 
  • Acts 13:48. Belief flows from being appointed to eternal life. 
  • "in Him" blessed, holy, elect, redeemed in Christ. 
  • Election was of innocent people but sinful; He chose us sinners for blessed, holy, redemption in/through Christ. 
Why Does God Choose Whom He Chose?/ Pt 8. 
  • He chose us, sinners, for sainthood. This grounds us. 
  • Remember what you're chosen for (1:4) not on what basis you are chosen.
  • His election is in accord with His purpose (His good pleasure) of His will.
  • The purpose of His counsel/purpose/pleasure/will is the praise of His glory 1:12.
  • "Why then did He choose us?" the answer is in God's good, wise, well-considered will; not in you.
  • He loved, choose, and predestined us before the foundation of the world. He loves you that much.  
  • His will is gracious. 
Election Silences Pride and Awakens Praise/ Pt 9.
  • Goal of Election: Holy and blameless. Adoption. All on the grounds of "the purpose of His will"
  • We're chosen to maximize the praise of glorious grace. 
  • "So that no one may boast" The aim of God's salvation/election is to shut the mouth of all Human boasting. 
  • 1 Cor. 1:29.
  • God elected individuals who were put into/grafted into Christ. 
  • 2 Tim. 1:9 and Eph. 1:4 Unconditional election; no condition to be made/met on our part for it is all of grace. 
God Is Preparing His Holy Bride/ Pt 10.
  • "before Him" Both God and Christ?
  • Eph. 5:25-27 would suggest Christ; holy and blameless before Christ because that's what Christ came to do. 
  • Matt. 22:2 God gathers a people for His Son. 
  • God chose us to be holy, blameless before His Son; God through Christ reconciled me to Him to be with Him (His Son) forever. 
Holy In Love or Adopted In Love?/ Pt. 11.
  • Chosen rather than predestined. 
  • In 1:3-6 the modifier always comes after, not before. 
  • Our love or God's love?
  • If it's God's love, modifying "chose us" then it's an odd place to put it. 
  • Piper: we are to be holy and blameless in love for each other 1 Thess. 1:12-13.
  • Our love for each other established us in holiness/blamelessness. 
  • God chose us, guilty sinners, to holy love one another in His presence forever. 
  • The goal of God before the foundation of the world is to have a bride for Christ, children for Himself, and the essential mark of those is love - sharing in the same essence of God Himself. 
How Do Predestination and Election Relate?/ Pt 12. 
  • Choosing and predestination? Different? Related?
  • Chose: select persons from a group. 
  • Predestination: select a purpose, or destiny, from a group of possibilities. 
  • Paul emphasizes His choosing of us with the word "predestined" in 1:4 and 5. 
  • He has predestined us to be His own children forever; with all that implies for inheritance. 
  • "through Christ" meaning Christ is the model and means by which we are predestined. 
  • God achieves His ultimate goal by choosing and predestined/purposeful election of holy sons in the likeness of Christ. 
The Origin and End of All Things/ Pt 13.
  • Origin: before foundation.
  • Choosing and predestining happened because we are purposed according to His will. 
  • 1:6 - end, of everything. 
  • Everything begins in eternity past with glorious grace. And everything ends with the praise of that glorious grace. 
  • What is the glory of God? 2 Cor. 4:4-6. The light, beauty, and value that shines through Christ to the regenerated mind. 
  • What does God get in my salvation? The glory of being praised. 
  • What do I get? The gladness of praising His grace. 
  • God is ultimate not us. You were made for the praise of His glorious grace. 
What Does Redemption Mean?/ Ephesians 1:7-10/ Pt 1.
  • Paul here gives praise for redemption in history. In the previous section, he gave praise for predestination in eternity. 
  • We offer redemption to all; all believers have it. 
  • "In him" "through his blood" and "according to" 1:7.
  • Redemption: freed by payment, or ransom.
  • Redemption from what? The forgiveness of our past trespasses against God. 
  • And also a future redemption from the presence of sin on the day of redemption. A release from all that makes the body and soul miserable. 
  • We are also redeemed from a futile/sinful way of life (1 Peter 1:18-19).
God Saves Us From His Own Wrath/ Pt 2.
  • Trespass: sin, crime against God that therefore needs forgiveness. 
  • Eph. 2:1 "Dead in trespass..." and "children of wrath". We are under the just Judge that always accords with His perfect justice. 
  • Christ's blood paid my ransom Romans 8:3.
  • God sent Christ in unsinful flesh and by doing so God condemned my sin in Christ's flesh (substitution).
  • Christ punished for me. in my place for my sin. Therefore, my debt/crimes are canceled/condemned in Christ. Cc: Col. 2:13-14.
  • Redemption: release from payment. The payment: the life of Christ poured out through His blood for you. 
  • Paid towards God. 
  • Propitiation: payment to God to satisfy and remove His just disfavor/wrath. 
  • Romans 3:25. God put Christ forward. By Christ's blood and received by faith; putting Christ forward showed God's righteousness because if God didn't punish sin He would be unrighteous. 
  • Payment by God to god because it is Christ bearing the just punishment of all the elect/redeemed. 
How the Cross Secures our Resurrection/Pt 3.
  • Redemption right now is the removal of God's wrath and the expression of forgiveness. This will be completed at the resurrection (Ro. 8:23).
  • We are destined to be like Christ morally, spiritually, and physically (Ro. 8:29, 1 Peter 3:21).
  • "glorified": the redemption of our bodies. All things work for our good and good is being made like Christ in our bodies. 
  • God is for you; no one/nothing can keep God's purpose/promises from success in you.
  • bodily glorious future is based on/caused by a bodily, bloody past. 
  • God gave us His most precious Son; how could He hold back the resurrection from you?
Christ Redeems Us From Disobedience/ Pt 4.
  • Titus 2:24 Christ died for you to put away sin and be zealous. 
  • To have the law written on our hearts is for God to cause us to walk in His statutes. 
  • Christ died to secure your obedience. 
  • Redemption includes a new way in life; the blood secures the new way by making a new covenant, promises that ensures we will walk in the newness of life. 
  • Freedom, by payment, from sinning not just forgiveness of sins. 
Grace Flows From Joy in the Trinity/ Pt 5. 
  • Redemption, blood, and forgiveness all accord with rich grace. 
  • Purpose of everything: to praise the glorious grace of God. 
  • Highlighting the "riches' in 1:7 underscores the "glory" in 1:6.
  • His great love moved Him to raise us with Christ 2:4-5.
  • Love expresses itself in mercy when the object is broken/hurting and grace when the object is undeserving/guilty/wicked. 
  • 2:6 God's goal in loving us, and raising us is to show us immeasurable/infinite grace forever in the coming ages. 
  • 1:6 God loved Christ before the foundation of the world. God loves us in Christ then too. Between God, Christ, and Spirit there is an eternal, infinite love. God loves Christ because He is so lovely. It's a perfect love; Christ is worthy of God's love. Meaning that from all eternity there has been infinite delight/joy in one another. 
  • The "riches" 1:7 are an overflow of the Trinity. 
  • God's grace is rooted in Himself in all eternity shown through Christ for us forever!
Knowing God's Plan Is a Lavish Grace/ Pt 6. 
  • Great grace is lavished on us in knowledge. 
  • All grasping of knowing His will to the degree that He wants you to know it for your life in holiness. 
  • The good pleasure of His will is predestination and election.
  • Our election is rooted in God's will; not us. 
  • Eph 1:11 all things are executed by God's will. 
  • 3:2-6 when we read we perceive the mystery that is in Christ. 
  • The eternal will of God is that we (gentiles, all nations) were predestined for adoption. 
  • The riches of grace included lavish knowledge. 
The Basic and Essence of God's Grace/ Pt 7.
  • Root and nature of grace. Grace abounded/lavished in knowledge accords with His purpose. 
  • "Will" implies intention/resolve/plan. "purpose" implies good pleasure of His will. Purpose puts gladness into intention/will.
  • The purpose is to praise of the glory of His grace. 
  • His predestination of us is rooted in Him/His will/pleasure not in us. 
  • His grace is rooted in Himself, His pleasure/goodness/will. He is the root of grace and grace is the cause and effect and sustains of our salvation. 
  • Grace is God's disposition and power to save/bless His elect based on nothing in us but on the good pleasure of His will alone. 
  • "Why me?" grace, rooted in God's good pleasure alone. 
The Pleasure of God in All of History/ Pt 8.
  • "set forth" in history 1:9.
  • Before His good pleasure was setting forth in eternity. 
  • It is set forth in Christ, a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him. 
  • Literally: the fullness of the seasons. 
  • Literally: sum up = unite. 
  • History is one big house that everyone works in to show the fullness of Christ. 
The Sum of All Things is Christ/ Pt 9. 
  • "as a plan (a household administration) for the fullness of all the periods of time, to sum up all things in Him..." 1:10.
  • There are lots of seasons in this house and they all reach their consumption when the seasons come and go according to God's will. Cc: Romans 13:9-10.
  • All things will show, reveal, and point to Christ as God's wills/plans/works so that they do. 
  • Christ is the ultimate goal of God in history. 
  • Add all things together and the sum is Christ as this household administration is meant to be. 
  • The good pleasure of God is being set forth in history with the goal being to show Christ as absolutely glorious. 


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