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LAB: Colossians 2 Notes

 What Was Worth So Much Struggle?/ Colossians 2:1-3/ Pt 1. 

  • The reward of Paul's struggle in 2:2 is full assurance in Christ. 
  • He fought against false teaching and wanted them to rest fully in Christ. 
Love, Unity, and Assurance in the Truth/ Pt 2.
  • Hearts made strong, hopeful, and able to stand against threats of assurance. Paul hopes his struggle is encouraging to them. 
  • Paul's struggle for them is a showing of Christ's work through him. 
  • Love is the glue of relationships. 
  • Love grows us in the knowledge of God as well. For in it we know Christ and are becoming richer in Him.
Spiritual Antibodies Against Delusion/ Colossians 2:4-5/ Pt 1. 
  • Spiritual antibody: the truth of Christ loved wholeheartedly.
  • Paul supported and loved them from afar.
  • "good order" love within the church.
  • Rejoice in loving your brothers. 

The Divine Tradition of Walking in Christ/ Colossians 2:6-10/ Pt 1.
  • "As you received...walk in Him...walk rooted/built/established firm in faith in Him". 
  • All that, as you were taught to result in thanksgiving. 
  • Christ is our wisdom, whom we were taught. It is a tradition. Also contracts the worldly traditions a few verses later. 
  • "so walk in him" is the first imperative in Colossians. 
  • Realize what you received, what you were taught to produce thanksgiving and guard against worldliness. 
 What Is Wrong with Philosophy?/ Pt 2.
  • Paul explains 2:4 here in 2:8.
  • "Philosophy" love of wisdom. But what wisdom? Of world? Or of Christ?
  • Christ is the fullness of wisdom therefore all other philosophies are empty/vain.
  • "elemental principles" 2:16-17, 20. IE regulations are not found in the word. 
All Deity in Christ Bodily Now/ Pt 3. 
  • Wisdom and Christ 1 Cor. 1:20-2:7.
  • "not according to Christ" not of the word; Christ is very God of very God. Therefore all true, lasting wisdom is found in Him,
  • Christ now has a perfect, heavenly body due to His work on Earth. Our heavenly bodies will be like His. 
  • We live according to Christ, the bodily God-man.
Filled with the Head of All Authorities/ Pt 4. 
  • "filled" 1:9. We are filled with all wisdom in Him. 
  • "filled" Eph. 3:19. We are filled in love in Him as well. 
  • All this, so that, we may know how to live and please God.
  • His authority: He is the creator, He is head of our enemies, He has disarmed them, He is far above all rule and authority. 
The Sign of Circumcision and Baptism/ Colossians 2:11-12/ Pt 1.
  • Circumcision: a sign of being a member of the covenant. 
  • Not merely a symbolic sign Deut. 10:16, 30:6.
  • "without hands" IE internally, not outward or physical. 
  • We have union with Christ, we died His death and we rose with His rising. 
  • "through faith" baptism happens by faith.
What Is a Circumcision Without Hands?/ Pt 2.
  • Severity to the body does not sanctify. The body is not evil. The flesh is sinful. Cc Col. 2:20-23.
  • We put off the fleshy part of our body; that part that is hostile/doesn't submit to God. 
  • We put off our old/dead self Romans 6:6-12.
  • Our circumcision is Spiritual.

The Glorious Reality Baptism Reveals /Pt 3.
  • Baptized through faith by grace. An un-revocable baptism. For we are always unioned to Christ. 
  • We have died and are alive in Christ for all time. 
  • Submersed, saved, service to God. 
How Dead Are We Before Christ?/ Colossians 2:13-15/ Pt 1.
  • What was our condition before our conversion?
  • "Dead". Independent from God Gen. 2. Physical, spiritual, second/final death. Romans 5:12-15.
  • Eph. 2:1-3 parallel passage. 
  • "Dead" unable/powerless 1 Cor. 2:14.
How Did God Make Us Alive/ Pt 2.
  • New birth John 3:3-8. 
  • New eyes/creation 2 Cor. 4:4-6.
  • Soft heart Eze. 36:26-27.
  • God's gift of grace to us through faith in Him Eph 2

The Gospel: Salvation by Substitution/ Pt 3.
  • The uniqueness of Christianity: Substitution. 
  • Forgiveness, wiping out, took away, nailing it.
  • The record stood against us, that is then nailed to the cross, and those wiped out (IE erased), and then taken away from us, and thus, we are forgiven. 
  • Debit satisfaction by substitution of Christ. 
Can the Innocent Die for the Guilty/ Pt 4.
  • Christ died for the guilty. 
  • Christ died for the glory of God first and foremost Romans 3:24-26.
  • Substitution in order to save/sanctify/change sinners; not merely to release us from guilt 1 Peter 2:24.
  • The death of Christ guarantees our salvation and santification. 
How Did the Cross Defeat Satan?/ Pt 5.
  • "disarm" or stripped of their power. They are therefore shamed in His great shaming. 
  • Satan has no ground to accuse us anymore. 
  • The sting of death is sin and sin has no power over us. 
  • We are delivered from sin.
Shadows of Christ, the Substance: Colossians 2:16-17
  • Food, drink etc pointed to Christ; the substance. those were therefore shadows of Him. 
  • The substance has accomplished His purpose; therefore the shadows are not unnecessary. 

Why We Do Not Worship Angels/ Colossians 2:18-19
  • Hold fast to the Head (2:19). 2:18 the 3 problems/replacements listed when you don't.
  • Attempting to gain favor with angels through asceticism.
  • Angel worship may have been fairly common in early church Cc: Romans 8:38-39.
  • We have everything we need in Him; not angels.



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