Obedience Confirms Our Resurrection/ Colossians 3:1-4/ Pt 1.
- (Realities): We died, rose with Christ, and are alive in God, therefore (command) seek the things that are above and (promise) you will appear with Him.
- Our reality is set by God and we live in accord with that reality/truth.
- We are raised and life is a forgiven, resurrected life therefore the promise is ours.
Christian, You Are Dead! /Pt 2.
- How we died in Col. 2:11-12. Through faith in Christ in our baptism.
- Our "old self"/flesh died Rom. 6:6. Our hostility to God died.
- We are now alive in Christ Gal. 2:20.
- The old dead self must die for us to come alive in Christ.
- We are no longer under the control/power of the flesh.
Seated at the Right Hand of God /Pt 4.
- "is" Christ, the God-man who died in His human nature/flesh, is alive.
- Who now has a glorious, heavenly body Phil. 3:20-21.
- "Right hand" is a place of great honor.
- "seated" Ps 110:1 and Matt. 22:43-44 and Heb. 10:12. He reigns with God over His enemies for His once sacrifice.
Christ Is Your Life/ Pt 5.
- We have our life because Christ is alive.
- This is so because of: 1) His substitution for us, 2) we have union with Him, 3) He sustains us, 4) We live by faith in Him; He lives through us, 5) He is forming us to be like Him, 6) He is our purpose (1:6).
Your Life is Hidden With Christ In God/ Pt 6.
- We don't look/live like the resurrection.
- Romans 8:19. Creation waits on the revealing/saving of the children of God.
- What we will be has not yet appeared, but when He appears we will then be like Him.
Christ is Coming In Glory/ Pt 7.
- Coming in glory and grace.
- We will rise or resurrect to meet Him in the air.
- We will be instantly changed to be like Him.
Relentlessly Seek Reality Above/ Pt 8.
- Seek...above (3:1), set mind...above (3:2).
- Seek: desire, want, pursue in the heart.
- Set: let your thinking, attitudes be shaped by the things that are above.
- Things that are above: the reality, or purpose, that is above ( "things", ways, purposes, mindset, thoughts, will of God Romans 8:5).
- Contrast with "things of the earth" 3:2, 5. Earthly things aren't bad, or sinful but they can be if they take priority in our heart/mind over God.
- The reality above is Christ who is sitting at the right hand; do not be overtaken in idolatry.
Kill What's Killed, Renew What's New/ Colossians 3:5-10/ Pt 1.
- We have died in Christ through faith, therefore put to death your earthly/fleshly members.
- We are renewed therefore be renewed. Become what you are.
- Romans 6:11 "consider" = "put to death". Believe in God's word about yourself.
Where Is the Spirit in Colossians?/ Pt 2.
- Believe, use, the word of God about your new self for yourself.
- We put sin to death by the Spirit.
- Spirit fosters love in us for God Col. 1 8.
What Is Sexual Immorality?/ Pt 3.
- 1 Cor. 5:1, 7:2.
- Sex before marriage and other prohibited sexual acts.
- Impurity: homosexuality Romans 1:24-27. And other impurities.
- Passion: begins lists of internal things. Intense wayward desire.
- Evil desire: lustful.
- Covetousness: desire to have more than which we ought to.
- All of the above are idolatry; we are to seek Christ not these things.
How to Put Sexual Immorality to Death/ Pt 4.
- Have faith in the word of God that promises better things than sexual immorality/sin.
- Believe, love, and treasure the word of God about your unbreakable, eternal union with Christ.
- Read, believe, then trust the Spirit to help you/enable you to obey in that moment.
Why Warn Saints About Wrath?/ Pt 5.
- Paul does not refer to disciples against Christians in using "wrath" for we have no condemnation.
- Wrath is used to warn us to stay on the path; a 'wrong way' sign for us or face the natural consequences. A fence post for motive to stay in the grace of God.
- You can be scared away from Hell but not scared into Heaven. Love heaven and the grace that gets you there.
The Cravings Behind Our Anger /Pt 6.
- Put away all sins and all different kinds of sins.
- Verse 8 list is the result of not getting the sins in verse 5. Obscene talk as the opposite of thankfulness.
Develop a Radical Love for Truth /Pt 7.
- Do not lie; for it is a part of your old self/ways. Be governed by the truth.
- Know your creator. Love His truth.
The End of Ethnic Strife in the Church/ Colossians 3:11/ Pt 1.
- The old self was a selfish self. The new self is selfless/Christ-focused. And thus, church-focused as well.
- All peoples must become new. Christ is in all Christians and He is more valuable than anything; including our race, and nation for He rules over both.
- It makes no dishonoring, device different within the Chruch.
Christian, You Are Chosen, Holy, Loved/ Colossians 3:12-14/ Pt 1.
- "put on" also in 3:10.
- We put on as God's chosen. Obedience/joy rooted in identity in God.
- Chosen: before creation, unconditionally so that we praise the glory of His grace.
- Chosen for holiness and love/joyful obedience in Him.
- Loved with "great love" and thus chosen for Christ's sake.
Put On the Bowels of Mercy /Pt 2.
- We are not merciful naturally. We put off and put on our old and new nature/self.
- "bowels" = heart.
- Not an act. But an inner affection that is outwardly expressed.
- Hear and resolve to obey by grace.
- Look hard at "chosen, holy, loved" and believe/embrace/treasure it.
- Pray for the proper effect of that truth.
- And act according to the truth.
The Perplexities of Forgiving and Forbearing /Pt 3.
- Bear AND forgive. Both go hand-in-hand.
- Forgive as much as possible without repentance; bear with them. Absolutely forgive with repentance so that all parties can be reconciled.
- Forgiveness is hard so look to the Lord's forgiveness towards you. And be amazed at His forgiveness towards you.
How Does Love Bind Everything Together? /Pt 4.
- Put on those 7 things but all of those are summed up in "love".
- "bond" 2:19.
- The law is filled up by love.
- Love matures, or completes the Christian. It is driven by the love we have received from God.
Is Christian Peace in My Heart or In the Church? Colossians 3:15-17/ Pt 1.
- "Let" a 3rd person command.
- Effects of peace: untroubled, unafraid heart John 14:27.
- Eph. 2:14 He is our peace.
- Within us and then expressed outwardly in the Church.
How Does the Peace of Christ Rule? /Pt 2.
- "rule" not reign. Judge, umpire, or prize. 1 Cor. 9:24, Phil. 3:14, Col. 2:18,
- Peace was brought by the Prince's body, blood.
- The word informs us of the peace of Christ; therefore let it dwell in you richly.
Songs Rich with the Word of Christ/ Pt 3.
- "dwell in you" in yourself and the church.
- "word" is the rich reality of our union with Christ now and forever.
- Have a lot of the word in your life for it is a treasure to your soul so much so that you sing to each other.
Do Everything In the Name of King Jesus/ Pt 4.
- All is under His sovereignty therefore always be thankful.
- And by Him, we work and speak through Him.
- Jesus is the final and fullest authority in your life.
Citizens of Heaven Still Have Earthly Families/ Colossians 3:18-21/ Pt 1.
- Being saved is radical, but still a present reality. So we must will as both heavenly and earthly beings.
- Be who you are in Heaven according to God on the Earth.
A Wife's Submission is Fitting /Pt 2.
- Parallel passages in Eph 5: 22-33 and 1 Peter 3:1-7.
- Be suitable to the Lord in your life.
- Live in accord with the word in wisdom.
- Man is representative of God on Earth Genesis 1:26.
- Man was first in creation then the woman Genesis 2:7-18; 1 Tim. 2:13.
- Man was given the moral teaching/law for the Garden and was expected to pass that along (teach) it to his wife Genesis 2:15-17.
- Woman was created as a helper from him and for him Genesis 2:20-23.
- The Serpent reverses God's order making the woman lead out Genesis 3:1-6, 17.
- God calls man to account first after the fall Genesis 3:7-9.
- God named man and woman as 'man' in Genesis 5:1-3.
What Is Submission 'in the Lord'? / Pt 4.
- A willing to love her husband and follow his lead under the Lord.
- She is under the Lord then her husband.
Husbands, Love Your Wives! /Pt 5.
- Love, lead her towards God.
- "bitterness" Eph. 4:31. Its' cure: hope Col. 1:3-5; and your union with Christ and death to sin Col 3:1-4. For you are chosen, holy, and loved by God Col. 3:12-14.
Children, Love Your Parents!/ Pt 6.
- Children must obey their parents.
- Parents should require obedience from their children.
- Obey because there is a Lord over their parents.
- Help the children deal with displeasing parents and God (the gospel).
How Not to Break Your Child's Spirit/ Pt 7.
- "fathers" Eph. 6:4. Children obey parents; fathers are not to provoke them; for he is head of both of them in the family.
- Representative and responsbly of the father.
- Fathers can command obedience from their children, but cannot do so in a discouraging way. IE nagging, or only demanding, only anger commands, only with spanking, embarrassing/disrespectful/belittling, impossible demands, and no Gospel (explain to them how they can enjoy the joy/forgiveness of God).
- Do not knock the spirit of life (discouragement/disspirited) out of your child. Stir up life within them. Do not break them, but grow/encourage/give them hope in God that He can use them.
How Paul Gutted Slavery: Colossians 3:22-4:1/ Pt 1.
- 1 Tim. 1:9-10, Gal. 3:26-28, Col. 3:9-11, 4:8-9. Eph. 4:25. 6:9, 1 Cor. 7:21-23, Philemon 15-16.
- The master/slave label went on in the NT even though its reality was completely changed by the Gospel.
God and Limited Authories in Christ / Pt 2.
- We have a Lord and we have lords.
- We serve The Lord by serving the lords in our lives.
- Obey the Lord in everything and above the lords.
Is People Pleasing Ever Right? /Pt 3.
- The Lord will reward (3:24) and punish (3:25).
- Be without wax in your obedient fear to the Lord.
- Please Christ first and then, in so far as you are able, you can please man (1 Cor. 10:21-33).
Should Fear of God Motivate Us? / Pt 4.
- Yes, as a child fears dishonoring/disrespecting his loving father.
- 2 Cor. 5:10-11 fear of an evil judgment.
- Romans 11:20 fear falling away from God/from faith.
Slaves to Christ and Not Man / Pt 5.
- Obey, work under your master from your soul/with sincerity to God; not for the master.
- Christ is your Lord; not any man.
- This Lord gives us an inheritance.
- Freedom in slavery to the Lord/Master.
When Masters Are Also Slaves / Pt 6.
- Masters teach slaves to serve the Lord then obedience to him.
- They treat them rightly and fairly/justly/non-favorably.
Faithful, Watchful, Thankful in Prayer/ Colossians 4:2-4/ Pt 1.
- Seek God's help in living a godly life.
- Continue in prayer Luke 18:1.
- Be alert in prayer.
- Remember past prayers/answers for gratitude.
- Example: Epaphras 4:12 "always".
Your Prayers Help the World Run / Pt 2.
- Prayer: cause and effect. Romans 15:30; serving together for God in prayer.
- Ask of your God to act for you.
Grace and Salt for Each Outsider / Colossians 4:5-6.
- Make the most of all seasons of your life.
- wise, gracious, and good speech.
How Could Bad News Encourage Anyone? / Colossians 4:7-9.
- Loved brother, faithful minister, fellow slave.
- Paul in prison but Gospel is flourishing.
Cultivating Christians Connectedness / Colossians 4:10-14/ Pt 1.
- Greeting: acknowledge your existence, a measure of gladness, and a measure of desire for that person. Paul is fostering the connectedness in the church.
Agonizing in Prayer to the Point of Pain/ Pt 2.
- "struggling" wrestling.
- "much pain" or hard work.
- Slave of Christ; owned by the loving Master.
- Stand, don't fall down. Grow/be mature and not a child to walk well in the faith.
My Signature. My Chains. My Blessings. / Colossians 3:15-18.
- Paul's letters were shared. The letter to Laodicea letter is probably Ephesians.
- Paul's signature; is a sign of geniusness of the letter.
- Remember to pray for Paul in prison; either for him to come out or for the gospel to succeed in prison. Remember that God, His gospel. is not imprisoned/in chains.
- Gracious of his letter; grace through His word to us.
Summary of Colossians 1-4.
- Christ's preeminence as God the ground and goal of all things.
- Christ's historical saving work.
- Christ's personal saving work.
- Christ's command: believe rightly, continuously and well. Do everything in your life towards the Lord Christ.
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