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Galatians 1 LAB Notes

Paul's Background Is a Mercy to Us/ Galatians 1:1-2/ Pt 1. Paul's own introduction in Acts 22:3, Galatians 1:13-14. Acts 13:9 is a turning point in Saul's/Paul's name. Paul is his gentile name to reflect his focus on the gospel to the Gentiles. From henceforth he is referred to as Paul.  Look at pre-saved Paul and love the mercy of God towards sinners.  How Do We Know Paul's Words are God's Words?/ Pt 2. Paul saw the risen Christ and was a leader of it.  The word is self-authenticating for it is the highest authority/word there is.  Authorized by God, the Father, and Son /Pt 3. The Gospel and its authority come from Christ.  Paul was confirmed by men Acts 13, but it still came from God.  God raised His own son. The Son has always been the Son; and likewise with the Father.  Unusual First Words for Paul/ Pt 4.  No thanksgiving, "saints" and no other letter is "from all the brothers". "church" is the people; not the building. The Glor...
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Colossians 3 Notes

 Obedience Confirms Our Resurrection/ Colossians 3:1-4/ Pt 1. (Realities): We died, rose with Christ, and are alive in God, therefore (command) seek the things that are above and (promise) you will appear with Him.  Our reality is set by God and we live in accord with that reality/truth.  We are raised and life is a forgiven, resurrected life therefore the promise is ours. Christian, You Are Dead! /Pt 2. How we died in Col. 2:11-12. Through faith in Christ in our baptism.  Our "old self"/flesh died Rom. 6:6.  Our hostility to God died.  We are now alive in Christ Gal. 2:20. The old dead self must die for us to come alive in Christ.  We are no longer under the control/power of the flesh.  Seated at the Right Hand of God /Pt 4. "is" Christ, the God-man who died in His human nature/flesh, is alive. Who now has a glorious, heavenly body Phil. 3:20-21. "Right hand" is a place of great honor.  "seated" Ps 110:1 and Matt. 22:43-44 and Heb. 10:12. He...

LAB: Colossians 2 Notes

 What Was Worth So Much Struggle?/ Colossians 2:1-3/ Pt 1.  The reward of Paul's struggle in 2:2 is full assurance in Christ.  He fought against false teaching and wanted them to rest fully in Christ.  Love, Unity, and Assurance in the Truth/ Pt 2. Hearts made strong, hopeful, and able to stand against threats of assurance. Paul hopes his struggle is encouraging to them.  Paul's struggle for them is a showing of Christ's work through him.  Love is the glue of relationships.  Love grows us in the knowledge of God as well. For in it we know Christ and are becoming richer in Him. Spiritual Antibodies Against Delusion/ Colossians 2:4-5/ Pt 1.  Spiritual antibody: the truth of Christ loved wholeheartedly. Paul supported and loved them from afar. "good order" love within the church. Rejoice in loving your brothers.  The Divine Tradition of Walking in Christ/ Colossians 2:6-10/ Pt 1. "As you received...walk in Him...walk rooted/built/established fir...

LAB: Colossians 1 Notes

 A Persecutor of Christians Was Made An Apostle/ Colossians 1:1-2/ Pt 1. Paul (Acts 22:3, Phil 3:4-7) was a Jew of Jew.  Paul's conversation, the will of God in action, Acts 9:3-16. The will of God was planned, and active in Paul before his birth Gal. 1:14-16. Creation of the apostleship Mark 3:13-14. They extended the ministry of Jesus. Church is founded on them/their teachings Eph. 219-20. The Relational Authenticity and Wisdom of Paul/ Pt 2.  Timothy is listed with Paul as a sender of this letter. He is the only one in the NT to be a sender and a receiver of letters (Colossians, 2 Corinthians, Philippians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Philemon).  Meet Timothy in Acts 16:1-3. See his character in Philippians 2:19-24.  Paul knew that his apostolic authority should not be the only thing driving the people to obedience; relational authority was also necessary (Philemon 8-10). Timothy is the kind of Christian he wants Christians to be; therefore he is included as a se...

LAB: Ephesians 1:1-10 Notes

 Who Was the Man Named Paul?/ Ephesians 1:1-2/ Pt 1.  Acts 13:9; he had 2 names.  Saul-Jewish name. Paul-Gentile name. Paul's autobiography: Phil. 3:4-6. Phariess, supernatural convert, an apostle of Christ.  What Does It Mean To Be an Apostle?/ Pt 2. Orgianl apostles in Mark 3:13-15. Disciple: one who humbly loves and submits to the teaching of Christ. Apostles: sent out ones who preach and teach with authority from God; one sent by Christ with His authority; one who saw the face of Christ Acts 1:21, 1 Cor. 14:37-38, 2 Peter 3:15. What Are the Two Wills of God?/ Pt 3. Will of Command or will of decree in 1:1? Will of Command: commanded of you; can be broken. Will of Decree: can not be successfully resisted. When your will is in line with God's will it is in line with the will of command. Because you can't do ALL that God does/is doing.  God sovereignty made Paul an apostle Gal. 1:15-16. This matters because Paul is writing/teaching us in Ephesians by the will o...

LAB: 1 Thessalonians 3-5 Notes

 The Messy Way To Know God's Will/ 1 Thess. 3:1-5/ Pt 1.  God plans our troubles (3:3b-4). This is the support for 1-3a, 5. Athens, alone - hardship in idolatry in the city.  "God's coworker" God ordains secondary means.  "Sent" not just prayer; exhort them; go to them.  "Bear it no longer" thought, assess, felt (pressured), action. Live in the messiness of God's will with heartful rest.  How to Become a Coworker of God/ Pt 2. God's coworker in the Gospel of Christ.  "established" not "shaken" in the exhortation. God gave His Son therefore He will give us all things. Gospel - Good works (Romans 8:32-37). Preach the Gospel and its implications for your life.  Believe His word/Him even in affliction and be stronger for it.  God Destined Your Affliction - Don't Be Shaken/ Pt 3. "Affliction" 1:6, 2:14, 3:3. Affliction is evidence of God's design to make us worthy of His kingdom.  All Christians are destined...

LAB: 2 Thessalonians 3 Notes

  1. Offense and Defense in Prayer for the Word/ 2 Thess. 3:1-5/Pt 1. Paul prayed for them; not he asks to be prayed for-"us".  2 requests; (offense) "that word of Lord run...", (defense) "delivered from wicked..." Paul wants the word to outrun/win against all opposition. Acts 13:47-48. Prayer + preaching. Because both are governed by God; both are commanded in word.  "For faith is not of all." IE not all are going to be given faith by God's grace.      2. God Is Decisive in Obedience-So Why Pray?/ Pt 2. "God is faithful" followed by an explanation.  Verse 4; therefore, the church will obey what God commands. Verse 5; Paul prays that God gives them all they need to be obedient.  Obedience is the goal of the Christian life; therefore Paul prays that we be overwhelmed by His love.  God uses us as a means to sanctify others.      3. What Is the Faithfulness of God?/Pt 3. "establish" 2:17, 3:3. Evil men attack you; God guards ...